Live Blog: WWCF Missions Sunday
Updated: Dec 10, 2024
Word To The World
Gerry and Sue Holloway started Word For The World Christian Ministry in the 80s in Makati, Philippines. What started as a small Bible study in their home, grew to a mega church. The meaning behind the name, Word For The World, comes from the idea that the world was their mission field. Word for the World Christian Fellowship, or WWCF, excels in training and sending missionaries all around the world. These missionaries plant churches in unreached areas of the world such as India, Israel, and Bangladesh. WWCF has planted over 300 churches worldwide, notably in the Philippines, Europe, the Middle East, Canada, and the US.
Missions Sunday
On November 16th, 2024, Word For The World Christian Fellowship hosted a missions Sunday. At these types of services, a church will highlight the missionaries they are supporting and allow them to share what they are doing in other countries. After a time of worship and greeting, Pastor Michael Shreve stepped on the stage. He greeted the congregation and shared the layout for the service. He invited a group of missionaries to share what God has been doing in their serving country.
Live Blog Begins

11 am
At approximately 11 am, missionary Ronpeck from Erode South India explained that there are over one million people in India. Hinduism makes up 94 percent of the population's religion and only 5-6 percent are Christian. Since planting a church in 2012, they have seen more than 200 people in attendance and 30 people giving their lives to Christ in the first meeting. The support that goes to Ronpeck is to help continue to train pastors and missionaries to reach the untouchables. Before passing his mic to the right, he charges the church by saying,
“In all possible ways, be with us so we can reach more souls in India”.
11:05 am
At approximately 11:05 am, Bright Singh from Marthandam, India spoke about the nature of the spiritual loss in India. Singh stated,
“I wanted to stay in the Philippines to do missions because there are a lot of opportunities in the Philippines. I went to the prayer room in the final semester (of college). I was asking God for His plan for my life, and I had a vision that I was doing ministry in the place I do now… I finally obeyed the call of God”. Singhs' church is celebrating 13 years of service, and he plans to continue to raise up young people from different states so that they can share the gospel with their people. Singh passed the mic to his right.
11:11 am
At approximately 11:11 am, the mic was given to Bharat Pradhan and Bandana Khawas from Siliguri, India. “We did not know where to begin,” says Pradhan. “There are Hindu devoted groups and Buddhist… many religions. I did not know where to begin”. A young Hindu girl called the couple after falling ill and asked for prayer. She was healed and gave her life to Christ. In the past 11 years, they have seen 100 people at their church. However, because of the persecution of Christians in India, the church cannot evangelize in the streets. “We cannot go out, but we can invite people into the Church” states Pradhan. “Wherever you are, their Christs mission begins”. Pradhan passed the mic to the right.
11:16 am
At approximately 11:16 am, Joshua from Chennai, India shares the story of his church. “We worshipped God on the streets because we could not get a place for a church”, says Joshua. “We prayed for a place and God gave us a place”. The church was dedicated on April 14th, 2024.
Abraham Abel, also serving in Chennai India, stated that rather than ministering to those who are already professing believers, he wanted to see those not seeking God to come to his church. Prayerfully, He asked God to speak to someone who would be willing to host a house group. As a surprise to Abel, his mother-in-law opened her doors, and 30 to 40 people attended the first night.
“Whatever the trial may be, whatever obstacle may be, there are people praying for us,” Abel says. Abel passed the mic to the right.
11:24 am
At approximately 11:24 am, the congregation heard from Lani Garcia who is serving in Israel. This year marks the 15th anniversary of WWCF in Tel Aviv. Despite the war, the church is still thriving and meeting online for bible studies. Because of the war, they have been unable to have mission trips. However, “God is not limited,” Garcia says proudly. “Wherever you are you can make disciples”. She believes that God can use you anywhere. Garcia passed the mic to the right.

11:31 am
At approximately 11:31 am, Pastor Michael announced a couple who recently moved to Bangladesh. He asked that they share about themselves and what they are doing there. Shohan Biswas, a missionary and native of Bangladesh, explained the work that his father has been doing. For over forty years Biswas’s father has been reaching the Muslim community and has seen more than 20 generations follow Christ. Biswas explained the hardship he faced growing up in a Muslim community and how conflict with a Muslim friend provoked him to open his Bible and give his life to Christ.
Ranzani Biswas, Shohan’s wife, also grew up in a Christian household. Her parents gave their lives to Christ when she was just two years old, but it came with a price. Because her extended family was Muslim, she and her parents were sent away. Ranzani Biswas saw the struggles her family faced because of their faith and wondered if it was worth it. When her father was diagnosed with cancer, she went to God. If God were real, He would heal her father. God did just that. “God is personal,” she says.
The couple proceeded to share their vision for Bangladesh. Bangladesh resides in the 10/40 window, and less than one percent of its people are Christian. The Biswas’ are sending out small teams throughout the region to reach, train, and equip so the gospel may be furthered. They have a special program where the women teach younger women how to read and write through scripture, along with learning basic health.
The congregation applauds.
End of live blog
To see the full service, click here.