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Leaving Home

Leaving a temporary home so others can have an eternal home

All My Stories

Missions Stories


One of my favorite quotes about missionaries inspired this blog: "Someone who leaves their family for a short time, so that others may be with their families for eternity".

Sharing the gospel is a matter of life or death, the difference between someone spending eternity with Christ or eternity in hell. My goal with this blog is to highlight the nations that are considered unreached and are waiting for people like you and me to bring them hope. 

Each week I will be sharing stories of hope, encouragement, and ways we can all be a part of reaching the unreached. The stories I share are of those who were called by God to leave their temporary home so that others could have an eternal home.

Hey friends, I'm Kaitlin!

Missions enthusiast and storyteller.


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Nation Focus


This weeks nation focus is Bangladesh. 

The primary religion in Bangladesh is Islam. That makes only 0.42 percent of the people Christian believers. Bangladesh is considered to be one of the most unreached places in the world.

How you can pray for Bangladesh:

  • That more people would go.

  • That the Holy Spirit would prepare the nations heart for the gospel.

  • For the safety of the missionaries who are there.

  • That doors to sharing the gospel would be opened.

"How then will they call on the one in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in Him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, 'how beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!'" Romans 10:14-15

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